Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, 2009

Place: Woodland and edges of our yard.

False Solomon's Seal seeds

Black-eyed susans (wild)

Cranefly Orchids!

Mushroom and millipede


July 29, 2009

Place: King Charles Rd near the house.
Plants: Carolina Lily
Comment: "Last year there was only one plant observed. This year there were three plants: one with a single bloom, one with a double bloom, and one with a triple bloom. The triple bloom appeared mutated."

Single bloom

Double bloom, 2nd bloom not yet open.

Closeup with underside

Triple bloom

July 19, 2009

Place: Visiting Delisle parents in Brevard, NC

False Foxglove (Looking Glass Rock Trail)

Downy Rattlesnake Plantain (Delisle's wooded yard)

Doll's Eye (Looking Glass trail head)

July 9, 2009

Place: Under the hickories across the street from our house.
Plants: Indian Pipe
Comment: "These are just a few of the many clusters and sprouts."